Yan Gu:Introduction to Parallel Algorithms


Yan Gu(University of California, Riverside)


  • 10:20-11:20 (Time in Beijing)
  • September 8, 2023 (Friday)


518, Research Building 4


Parallel processors are ubiquitous nowadays and it is almost impossible to find a single-core processor, probably other than a toaster. However, very few courses and online materials cover the basic knowledge for designing parallel algorithms. This talk consists of two parts. The first part will overview the key ideas for parallel computing and programming, such as the computational and programming models for parallel algorithms, and the key concept of the scheduler. The second half of this talk will overview some of the most exciting advancements in parallel algorithm research in recent years, and introduce promising research topics in this scope.

Speaker Bio:

Yan Gu is an Assistant Professor in the Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) Department at the University of California, Riverside (UCR), since 2020. Prior to that, he was a postdoc associate at MIT CSAIL in 2019. Before that, he received his Ph.D. degree and Bachelor’s degree from Carnegie Mellon University in 2018 and Tsinghua University in 2012, respectively, both in computer science. His research interest is algorithm design, broadly on both the most canonical problems, and applications in databases, machine learning, graphics, architecture, etc. He has recently received the Best Paper Awards in PPoPP 2023 and ESA 2023, the Best Technical Paper Runner-up at VLDB 2023, and an Outstanding Paper Award from SPAA 2020.
