Our Team Will Hold COCOON 2025 and WALCOM 2025

We recently received news that our Algorithm and Logic group has been granted the hosting rights for two important theoretical computer science conferences: COCOON 2025 and WALCOM 2025. Professor Bakh Khoussainov will serve as the General Chair for both conferences, while Professor Mingyu Xiao will be the PC Co-Chair for both conferences.

COCOON (Conference on Computing and Combinatorics) is an annual international conference that focuses on the intersection of computer science and combinatorics. It covers a wide range of topics including algorithms, complexity theory, graph theory, and computational biology. WALCOM (Workshop on Algorithms and Computation) is another conference that specifically emphasizes algorithmic research.
Both conferences attract researchers and experts from around the world to present their latest findings and exchange ideas. Attending these conferences can provide valuable insights into cutting-edge research and developments in the field of computer science and combinatorics. More information about the conferences will be announced soon.