The 19th Asian Logic Conference will be held in autumn, 2027, in Chengdu, China. Organized by the Algorithms and Logic Lab of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC). Professor Bakh Khoussainov will serve as the Chair of the conference.
The Asian Logic Conference (ALC) is a major international event in mathematical logic and its applications. It features the latest scientific developments in the fields of mathematical logic, logic in computer science, combinatorial aspects of logic, logical aspects of algorithms, and philosophical logic. The ALC series also aims to promote mathematical logic in the Asia-Pacific region and to bring logicians together both from within Asia and elsewhere for exchanging and disseminating information and ideas.
From 1981 to 2008, the Asian Logic Conference had been held triennially and rotated among countries in the Asia-Pacific region. Those meetings took place in Singapore (1981), Bangkok (1984), Beijing (1987), Tokyo (1990), Singapore (1993), Beijing (1996), Hsi-Tou (1999), Chongqing (2002), Novosibirsk (2005), and Kobe (2008). From 2009, the new two-year cycle began with the meetings in Singapore (2009), Wellington (2011), Guangzhou (2013), Mumbai (2015), Daejeon (2017), Astana(2019), 2021(postponed), and Tianjin(2023). Prior to the meeting in Chengdu in 2027, the ALC meeting will be held in Kyoto (Japan) in 2025.