Celebrating the Graduation of Two Outstanding Ph.D. Students

We are delighted to announce the graduation of two remarkable Ph.D. students from the Algorithm and Logic Lab at UESTC.
Under the guidance of Prof. Mingyu Xiao, they have successfully completed their doctoral programs.

Dr. Tian Bai
Dissertation Title: Investigations Concerning Parameterized and Exact Algorithms for the Feedback Set and Related Problems.

Tian Bai earned his bachelor’s degree in basic science of mathematics and physics from UESTC.
His research focuses on parameterized algorithms for graph optimization and algorithmic game theory.
He has made significant contributions to the field of exact and parameterized algorithms for feedback set problems.
Tian Bai’s work has been published in renowned conferences and journals, including AAAI, MFCS, COCOON, and TCS.

Dr. Mengfan Ma
Dissertation Title: Algorithm and Mechanism Design in Facility Location Problems with Entrance Fees.

Mengfan Ma received both his bachelor’s and master’s degrees from the School of Information and Communication Engineering at UESTC.
His research interests lie in algorithmic game theory, particularly mechanism design and contract design.
Mengfan Ma’s work has been featured in esteemed conferences and journals such as AAAI, COCOON, and COR.