Category: Seminars

  • Yan Gu:Recent Advances in Parallel Algorithm Design 

    Speaker: Yan Gu(University of California, Riverside) Time: 16:20-17:20 (Time in Beijing) September 8, 2023 (Friday) Venue: 518, Research Building 4 Abstract: This talk will cover some new advances in recent parallel algorithm research.  We will introduce a few new parallel algorithms on classic graph problems such as single-source shortest paths (the rho-stepping and the delta*-stepping […]

  • Yan Gu:Introduction to Parallel Algorithms

    Speaker: Yan Gu(University of California, Riverside) Time: 10:20-11:20 (Time in Beijing) September 8, 2023 (Friday) Venue: 518, Research Building 4 Abstract: Parallel processors are ubiquitous nowadays and it is almost impossible to find a single-core processor, probably other than a toaster. However, very few courses and online materials cover the basic knowledge for designing parallel […]

  • Yiding Feng: Mobility Data in Operations: The Facility Location Problem

    Speaker: Yiding Feng(University of Chicago) Time: 11:00-12:00 (Time in Beijing) August 4, 2023 (Friday) Venue: 518, Research Building 4 Abstract: Speaker Bio: Yiding Feng is a postdoctoral principal researcher at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business. Previously, he worked as a postdoctoral researcher at Microsoft Research New England from 2021 to 2023. He […]

  • Louxin Zhang: A Scalable Algorithm for Inferring Phylogenetic Networks from Trees

    Speaker: Louxin Zhang (新加坡国立大学) Time: July 3, 2023 (Monday) 10:30-11:30am Venue: 电子科技大学清水河校区主楼B1-501 Abstract: Phylogenetic networks are rooted, acyclic directed graph in which leaves are labelled with genes, genomes or species. They are used to model evolution with reticulate events. The reconstruction of phylogenetic networks is an important but challenging problem in phylogenetics and genome evolution, […]

  • Chao Xu: Matroid Base with Congruency Constraint

    Speaker: Chao Xu (University of Electronic Science and Technology of China) Time: 16:20-17:20 (Time in Beijing) June 9, 2023 (Friday) Venue: 518, Research Building 4 Abstract: Let $k$ be an integer and $M$ a matroid on groundset $E$.There is a label function $\ell:E\to [k]$ that assigns a label to all elements. We aim to identify […]

  • Yuhang Guo: Characterization of Monotonic Allocation in Multi-unit Diffusion Auction

    Speaker: Yuhang Guo (University of Electronic Science and Technology of China) Time: 16:20-17:20 (Time in Beijing) June 2, 2023 (Friday) Venue: 518, Research Building 4 Abstract: Designing strategyproof mechanisms in multi-unit diffusion auctions has posed a significant challenge, as each agent’s allocation and price can be easily influenced by their invitees and siblings. In our […]

  • Yuyang Zhuge, Xiaoyang Gong: Automatic Structures

    Speaker: Yuyang Zhuge, Xiaoyang Gong(University of Electronic Science and Technology of China) Time: 16:20-17:20 (Time in Beijing) May 26, 2023 (Friday) Venue: 518, Research Building 4 Abstract: We introduce automatic structures. We provide examples and discuss several research directions. One direction of research is the isomorphism problem. The problem asks to design an algorithm that […]

  • Yu Cong: Trade-off Curve Computation for Incentive Allocation

    Speaker: Yu Cong (University of Electronic Science and Technology of China) Time: 16:20-17:20 (Time in Beijing) May 19, 2023 (Friday) Venue: 518, Research Building 4 Abstract: We consider a large-scale incentive allocation problem where the entire trade-off curve between budget and profit has to be maintained approximately at all time. The application originally comes from […]

  • Yixin Cao: Enumerating Maximal Induced Subgraphs

    Speaker: 操宜新 (香港城市大学) Time: 15:00-16:00 (Time in Beijing) May 15, 2023 (Thursday) Venue: 电子科技大学清水河校区四号科研楼A区518 Abstract: Given a graph $G$, the maximal induced subgraphs problem asks to enumerate all maximal induced subgraphs of $G$ that belong to a certain hereditary graph class. While its optimization version, known as the minimum vertex deletion problem in literature, has […]

  • Minming Li: Defending with Shared Resources on a Network

    Speaker: 李閩溟 (香港城市大学) Time: 14:00-15:00 (Time in Beijing) May 15, 2023 (Thursday) Venue: 电子科技大学清水河校区四号科研楼A区518 Abstract: In this paper we consider a defending problem on a network. In the model, the defender holds a total defending resource of R, which can be distributed to the nodes of the network. The defending resource allocated to a node […]