Category: Weekly Seminars

  • Zihui Liang: Connectivity in the presence of an opponent

    Speaker: Zihui Liang (University of Electronic Science and Technology of China) Time: 16:20-17:20 (Time in Beijing) October 20, 2023 (Friday) Venue: 518, Research Building 4 Abstract: The paper introduces two player connectivity games played on finite bipartite graphs. Algorithms that solve these connectivity games can be used as subroutines for solving M\”uller games. M\”uller games […]

  • Kangyi Tian: Parameterized Algorithms for Cluster Vertex Deletion on Degree-4 Graphs and General Graphs

    Speaker: Kangyi Tian (University of Electronic Science and Technology of China) Time: 16:20-17:20 (Time in Beijing) October 13, 2023 (Friday) Venue: 518, Research Building 4 Abstract: In the Cluster Vertex Deletion problem, we are given a graph G and an integer k, and the goal is to determine whether we can delete at most k […]

  • Haidong Yang: Topological network-control games

    Speaker: Haidong Yang (University of Electronic Science and Technology of China) Time: 16:20-17:20 (Time in Beijing) September 22, 2023 (Friday) Venue: 518, Research Building 4 Abstract: The paper introduces new combinatorial games, called topological network-control games, played on graphs. These games model the influence of competing two parties aiming to control a given network. In […]

  • Pengpeng Wang: 基于树割映射的网络健壮性增强算法 

    Speaker: Pengpeng Wang(Henan University of Technology) Time: 16:20-17:20 (Time in Beijing) September 15, 2023 (Friday) Venue: 518, Research Building 4 Abstract: 在大型稀疏网络中,少数几条边的随机故障可能导致网络断开,为了提高网络健壮性,可以选择性的保护特定边从而使整个网络的连通性保持到一定水平,然而资源总是有限的,不可能保护所有的边。我们设计了一种快速的算法,即通过深度遍历树快速定位到较小的割,并对这些割的边进行有选择性的保护,从而提高网络健壮性,传统算法利用线性规划,时间较慢,并且不能适用于大型网络,实验表明我们的算法能够抵御 99.99%的随机故障,有较好的加速效果。 Speaker Bio: 汪鹏鹏现就读于河南工业大学信息科学与工程学院,研究方向为最小割,网络健壮性,稀疏割算法等。

  • Yan Gu:Recent Advances in Parallel Algorithm Design 

    Speaker: Yan Gu(University of California, Riverside) Time: 16:20-17:20 (Time in Beijing) September 8, 2023 (Friday) Venue: 518, Research Building 4 Abstract: This talk will cover some new advances in recent parallel algorithm research.  We will introduce a few new parallel algorithms on classic graph problems such as single-source shortest paths (the rho-stepping and the delta*-stepping […]

  • Chao Xu: Matroid Base with Congruency Constraint

    Speaker: Chao Xu (University of Electronic Science and Technology of China) Time: 16:20-17:20 (Time in Beijing) June 9, 2023 (Friday) Venue: 518, Research Building 4 Abstract: Let $k$ be an integer and $M$ a matroid on groundset $E$.There is a label function $\ell:E\to [k]$ that assigns a label to all elements. We aim to identify […]

  • Yuhang Guo: Characterization of Monotonic Allocation in Multi-unit Diffusion Auction

    Speaker: Yuhang Guo (University of Electronic Science and Technology of China) Time: 16:20-17:20 (Time in Beijing) June 2, 2023 (Friday) Venue: 518, Research Building 4 Abstract: Designing strategyproof mechanisms in multi-unit diffusion auctions has posed a significant challenge, as each agent’s allocation and price can be easily influenced by their invitees and siblings. In our […]

  • Yuyang Zhuge, Xiaoyang Gong: Automatic Structures

    Speaker: Yuyang Zhuge, Xiaoyang Gong(University of Electronic Science and Technology of China) Time: 16:20-17:20 (Time in Beijing) May 26, 2023 (Friday) Venue: 518, Research Building 4 Abstract: We introduce automatic structures. We provide examples and discuss several research directions. One direction of research is the isomorphism problem. The problem asks to design an algorithm that […]

  • Yu Cong: Trade-off Curve Computation for Incentive Allocation

    Speaker: Yu Cong (University of Electronic Science and Technology of China) Time: 16:20-17:20 (Time in Beijing) May 19, 2023 (Friday) Venue: 518, Research Building 4 Abstract: We consider a large-scale incentive allocation problem where the entire trade-off curve between budget and profit has to be maintained approximately at all time. The application originally comes from […]

  • Zibo Zhou: Two-dimensional irregular bin packing problem

    Speaker: Zibo Zhou (University of Electronic Science and Technology of China) Time: 16:20-17:20 (Time in Beijing) April 21, 2023 (Friday) Venue: 518, Research Building 4 Abstract: We proposes a local search combined with DJD heuristic approach for the two-dimensional irregular bin packing problem (2DIBPP) with limited rotations. The objective of 2DIBPP is to pack a […]