Yuan Fang: Multi-unit Auction over a Social Network
Speaker: () Time: 16:20-17:20 (Time in Beijing) October 14, 2022 (Friday) Venue: 518, Research Building 4 Abstract:
Mingyu Xiao: How Fast Can We Exactly Solve NP-Complete Problems?
Speaker: () Time: 16:20-17:20 (Time in Beijing) September 30, 2022 (Friday) Venue: 518, Research Building 4 Abstract: Speaker Bio: 2008年在香港中文大学获得计算机博士学位之后进入电子科技大学工作,现在为电子科技大学计算机学院教授,副院长。主要从事算法分析与设计、机制设计与博弈论、人工智能中的基础算法理论等方向的研究,在Information and Computation、JCSS、Algorithmica、ACM/IEEE Trans.、ICALP、IJCAI、AAAI、WWW、INCOFOM等算法、人工智能领域顶级期刊和会议上发表论文超过100篇,撰写英文专著1部,主持(完成)国家自然科学基金项目5项。是参数算法和精确算法国内外知名的学者。
Yang Chen: Mean-Field Game as A Framework for Many-agent Inverse Reinforcement Learning
Speaker: () Time: 16:20-17:20 (Time in Beijing) 21:20-22:20 (Time in Auckland) June 17, 2022 (Friday) Venue: Abstract:
Ke Shi: Almost tight \ell-covering of \Z_n
Speaker: () Time: 16:20-17:20 (Time in Beijing) 21:20-22:20 (Time in Auckland) June 10, 2022 (Friday) Venue: Abstract: Slides.
Binglin Tao: Optimal Shielding to Guarantee Region-Based Connectivity under Geographical Failures
Speaker: Binglin Tao (Ph.D. student in University of Electronic Science and Technology of China) Time: 16:20-17:20 (Time in Beijing) 21:20-22:20 (Time in Auckland) May 20, 2022 (Friday) Venue: B1-518B, Research Building 4 Abstract: As networks and their inter-connectivity grow and become complex, failures in the networks impact society and industries more than ever. To address […]
Private data query mechanisms for data marketplaces
Speaker: Mengxiao Zhang (Postdoc Professor in University of Electronic Science and Technology of China) Time: 16:20-17:20 (Time in Beijing) 21:20-22:20 (Time in Auckland) May 13, 2022 (Friday) Venue: B1-518B, Research Building 4 Abstract: The increasing reliance on data-driven technologies has led to the formation of an economy that is built on data trading. A data […]
Establishing Ties
Speaker: Jiamou Liu (Senior Lecturer, The University of Auckland) Time: 16:20-17:20 (Time in Beijing) 21:20-22:20 (Time in Auckland) April 29, 2022 (Friday) Venue: B1-518B, Research Building 4 Abstract: This talk discusses the algorithmic processes of creating ties in a social network. We view a social network as a graph where nodes represent agents and edges […]
USER: Unsupervised Structural Entropy-based Robust Graph Neural Network
Speaker: Yifei Wang (Ph.D. student, the University of Auckland) Time: 16:20-17:20 (Time in Beijing) 21:20-22:20 (Time in Auckland) April 29, 2022 (Friday) Venue: B1-518B, Research Building 4 Abstract: Today graph neural networks (GNN) are widely used for processing complex graph data. However, GNN models are vulnerable in real-world scenarios as the input graphs are prone […]
Value iteration for probabilistic verification of stochastic games
Speaker: Toru Takisaka (Postdoc Professor in University of Electronic Science and Technology of China) Time: 16:20-17:20 (Time in Beijing) 21:20-22:20 (Time in Auckland) April 22, 2022 (Friday) Venue: B1-518B, Research Building 4 Abstract: I give a talk about value iteration (VI) for stochastic games, which is one of the most widely used techniques in probabilistic […]
Approximation Algorithms for the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem
Speaker: Jingyang Zhao (Ph.D. student in University of Electronic Science and Technology of China) Time: 16:20-17:20 (Time in Beijing) 21:20-22:20 (Time in Auckland) April 15, 2022 (Friday) Venue: B1-518B, Research Building 4 Abstract: In the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem (CVRP), we are given an undirected complete graph with metric nonnegative edge weights, where there are […]