近日,欧洲人文和自然科学院(Academia Europaea,简称“欧洲科学院”)发布2023年新增院士名单,电子科技大学计算机科学与工程学院(网络空间安全学院)Khoussainov Bakhadyr教授当选。 Khoussainov Bakhadyr教授,新西兰皇家学会院士,国家人才计划入选者。现任电子科技大学计算机科学与工程学院(网络空间安全学院)算法与逻辑实验室负责人。 算法与逻辑团队成员Khoussainov Bakhadyr教授长期从事理论计算机科学中计算与逻辑领域的研究工作,研究方向包括逻辑与计算,已在理论计算机科学领域发表了160余篇具有国际影响力的高水平国际期刊/会议论文,其卓越的学术成就得到国际学术界的广泛认可,于2021年获得Nerode Prize,2019年获得德国洪堡研究奖,2017年荣获STOC会议最佳论文奖(STOC在整个计算机科学领域享有崇高声望)。2002年获得新西兰数学学会研究奖,2019年获得伦敦数学学会与新西兰数学学会联合授予的唯一Aitken Lecturer称号。 Bakh教授给博士生上“计算机科学中的数学基础”课程 Khoussainov Bakhadyr教授于2021年全时全职加入电子科技大学计算机科学与工程学院(网络空间安全学院),是学院首位全时全职引进的海外院士。现已组建了一支6人规模“小而精”的研究团队,其中团队成员50%为外籍学者。主持了包括国家自然科学基金、德国洪堡研究基金、新西兰皇家学会Marsden基金等在内的多个国内外项目。 欧洲人文和自然科学院(简称“欧洲科学院”)是欧盟的“国家科学院”和法定科学顾问,由英国皇家学会与欧洲各国的国家科学院共同发起并于1988年成立,总部位于英国伦敦。作为国际上跨地域和学术领域最广泛、学术地位最高、影响最大的科学组织之一,欧洲科学院的院士包括自然科学、生命科学、社会科学、人文科学等领域的顶级学者,主要在欧洲各国的院士中遴选,代表着欧洲人文和自然科学界最高的科学水平和学术地位。
4月23日,2023华为软件精英挑战赛全球总决赛在深圳华为总部举行,肖鸣宇教授指导的“_______(下划线)队”夺得了全球总决赛冠军,CHAO XU教授指导的“划水小队不划水队”夺得了全球总决赛季军,创造学校参赛以来历史最好成绩。
Prof. Bakh Khoussainov’s talk at Fifth Workshop on Digitalization and Computable Models
Prof. Bakh Khoussainov is an invited speaker at Fifth Workshop on Digitalization and Computable Models (WDCM2023), see https://sites.google.com/view/wdcm2023/home/invited-speakers for the details.
Prof. Bakh Khoussainov’s talk at Asian Logic Conference
Prof. Bakh Khoussainov is an invited speaker at Asian Logic Conference, see https://logic.nankai.edu.cn/alc2023/ for the details.
Two teams from our lab got through to the final of the CodeCraft2023 Competition
Recently, the results of the regional semi-final of the CodeCraft2023 Competition (2023华为软件精英挑战赛) were announced. Two teams from our lab qualified for the final, with one team ranking 1st and the other ranking 2nd. The final is scheduled to take place on April 22nd. The first team consists of three students from our lab: Junqiang Peng […]
Special Report from UESTC News on Reform and Exploration of High-quality courses for doctoral students in the School of Computer Science and Engineering
【研究生精品课程】构建博士生资格课程,紧扣“前沿”驱动核心,探索高端人才培养模式 ——计算机科学与工程学院一流研究生课程体系的改革与探索 链接:https://news.uestc.edu.cn/?n=UestcNews.Front.DocumentV2.ArticlePage&Id=87921 February 20, 2023
Associate Professor Yi Zhou of received the “CCF-Huawei Poplar Forest Fund” Class A Funding
9 月 29 日,首届“CCF(中国计算机协会)-华为胡杨林基金理论计算机科学专项”资助项目结果揭晓,来自我校计算机科学与工程学院的周毅副教授的项目“基于 k-plex 的松弛团提取算法的理论与技术研究”获得了 A 类资助。
Prof. Bakh Khoussainov’s talk at Nerode’s conference
Prof. Bakh Khoussainov is an invited speaker at Nerode’s conference, Logical Foundation of Computer Science. Title of the talk is “Probability Structures”. https://lfcs.ws.gc.cuny.edu/tag/nerode-90/
A&L Lab hold Algorithmic Game Theory and Computation Theory Forum 2022
The Algorithmic Game Theory and Computation Theory Forum was held on June 13, 2022, at Qingshuihe Campus, University of Electronic Science and Technology. This forum was hosted by A&L Lab. The event was opened by the Vice Present, Professor Haoquan Hu and CCF TCS Committee Director, Professor Xiaoming Sun. This forum focuses on the intersection […]
We won the 5th place in The IEEEXtreme Global Extreme Programming Competition
Recently, the results of the IEEEXtreme 15.0 programming competition were announced. The CoolSunlightBear team sent by our group has achieved the 5th place in the world (2nd in Asia). The three student members of the team are Zihui Liang (captain, supervised by Prof. Bakh Khoussainov), Ziliang Xiong (supervised by Prof. Mingyu Xiao), Yuxi Liu (supervised […]