Time Zone
The time in China is China's standard time (CST), which is eight hours ahead of Greenwich Mean Time (GMT +8).
The currency used in China is Chinese yuan (CNY), which is also denoted by RMB or ¥. The USD (respectively, EUR) exchange rate against the CNY is about 6.77 (respectively, 7.44) (by 1st, November, 2016). More details about real time exchange rate can be seen at the website. There are several service points in the first floor exit of the Terminal 1 of Shuangliu International Airport.
During the conference, the temperature in Chengdu is about 20-28℃ and appropriate clothes should be prepared.
Power Adaptor
You can use two types of attaching plugs in China with voltage 220V -- the type D and type J as shown in the picture blow. Power adaptor should be prepared as needed. Click the picture to zoom in.