The submission deadline is January 16, 2017 February 3, 2017 (anywhere on Earth). All submissions are electronic via EasyChair, and the submission server is now available at

Only previously unpublished new results will be considered for publication. Papers that have already been published at another journal or conference with proceedings, or simultaneously submitted or accepted to another conference with proceedings will not be considered. Submissions must adhere to the following guidelines: papers must be formatted using the LNCS style file without altering margins or the font point. A submission should not exceed 12 pages, including references, but excluding the optional appendix. Proofs omitted due to space constraints must be placed in an appendix to be read by the program committee members at their discretion. Papers that deviate from these guidelines risk being rejected without consideration of their merits.

The proceedings of the Conference will be published by Springer-Verlag in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series, and will be available for distribution at the conference.

Selected high quality papers will be invited to a special issue in the journal of Theoretical Computer Science. The invited papers will go through the normal reviewing process.